Stop "JOCKEY-ING" around

A recent thinking /attitude pattern that I am noticing these days is that:


Sorry sweetheart!!!

But just by wearing branded clothes, getting your hairs straightened, living in a posh area or showing off “jockey”….doesn’t make you CIVILISED!!

The real civilized people are the one who would pick up trash and put it in its right place… if not “picking up the trash”, they will at least not litter around!!!

I would prefer a man with average income, simple standard of living and having a high sense of responsibility towards the society… than one who has lot of money and high standard of living but who also shamelessly SPITS while sitting in a BMW!!!

I mean just think over it guys.

People will love you more if you are being considerate towards small things in life and if you have your basic manners in place. J

“TO-HELL-WITH-THE-WORLD” attitude is not something to be trusted for a long journey.

Without any offence to anyone who falls in this category, I have seen boys religiously flaunting “jockey” more than anything in their life!!!... It doesn’t make you “hot” or “desirable”… to me it only shows how shameless you are.

It is the same with a few girls.. Just because a friend got her hairs straightened, doesn’t make you obliged to follow the same!!! At least know what suits you and what doesn’t.

So I am ending this post with a small message that:

“What goes around …comes around. So, it is best not to turn a blind eye towards the society”

Civilized people endorse CLASS WITH SIMPLICITY… and not just “SHOW-SHAA”.

What do you endorse?
