Only Memories go with us, not possessions!

Someone has rightly said, “It is the memories that stay with us”. But we seldom realize this.

Have you ever seen someone’s belongings flying into the air during their funeral or the soul coming back to earth to take back their possessions??

NEVER!!! Right?

Because it is only the memories that go with us and not our favorite dress, wardrobe, furniture or handbags!!! Then why do we get so caught up in the web of materialism?

It’s high time we realize this because once you go “UP”, there’s no way “DOWN”. J

In today’s world where money is everything, I have seen people go on a shopping-spree!!! Getting the house painted every 2 months, changing its interiors, buying unlimited clothes, furniture, accessories and what not… just because they have lots of money…!!!

So what? So what if you have lots of money??? Are you going to take it along when you die???

Instead of behaving like maniacs & shelling out so much money on such possessions, if they had purchased a new dress and gifted it to an orphan or a poor little girl, had that not been a sweet memory?

Instead of eating loads of junk food, gaining weight and then buying “Nike” shoes to jog, if they sponsored a meal for the man who hasn’t eaten anything for days together, won’t that be a memory worth remembering?

Don’t you agree with me?

I am not saying, “Don’t have fun!”

I am only saying, “Don’t get caught up in materialism”.

Given this, I will prefer spending my last days doing things that will bring a smile on someone’s face, visit places I couldn’t in my lifetime and last but not the least, click lots of pictures & leave behind memories for others to remember.  JJ

What’s your plan?


  1. Cool blog srish! My opinion is money is not the issue, but rather selfishness. Having lot's of money doesn't make you selfish. Are there lot's of rich selfish people? of course! Just like there are lot's of poor and middle class selfish people.

    1. thank you kelvinandbec dorsey :)
      i totally agree with you. it is the "selfishness" that's the problem, not the "money".
      you can be a participate in different activities and share your views on different topics with respect to the blog through TWITTER(by following me) and FACEBOOK( we have a page "life is a chaat platter")as well.
      hopeing to see more participation from your side ;)
      take care.

    2. oh by the way, i saw a couple of videos you uploaded and your website. i must say you guys have done a great job! :) **keep it up**

  2. You know what , its human psycho .....that unless and until u don't force him to do some gud jobs......which are essential for him ,......he won't do it ".....last. Night. I told u abt the compulsory charity we are supposed to do...and because it's a compulsory action its always in our mind. So we do it . Well maybe am not able to put properly....but I think I have made my thoughts clear.


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