8 Misconceptions Indian men have about their future brides

According to Indian men, women are of 3 types; the time pass types, the ugly types and then the “moral”, untouched and marriageable types! And over 80% of the men spend their lives living in this bubble.

So, first things first.

POP, goes the bubble. Yes honey! Women are so much more than those categories you have put them in! There are (beautiful+moral) types, (unmoral+time pass) types and many more. So stop assuming, because it is time to get a reality check!

Here are some of the most common assumptions that Indian men have about their future brides:

1.        They are religious:

Just because Diana Penty couldn’t stop praying to her god in “Cocktail”, doesn’t mean we all too love praying every morning! There are a lot of us who don’t even believe in God.  

2.       They only want to make babies:
Now this is the most frustrating one!!! Men tend to assume, that women are around only to marry, cook and make babies!

Dude noooo!!!

We have a lot of OTHER stuff as well, like shopping, working out, listening to music, do some adventure and support our parents. Making babies is not that much of an interesting option you see :-D

3.       They all know how to cook:
Well, only a few of us are Tarla Dalas and Madhumita Mohanta. The rest are largely “Kaam-chalau” cooks who learn over a period of time, either out of choice or when they are left with no choice ;-)

4.       Pati-parmeshwar hota hai:
Not today. This whole “Husband-is-god” philosophy is of the past. Women’s priorities are as urgent and important as yours. Women seldom forgo opportunities just because their spouse said so.

5.       Not career oriented:
Gone are the days when the ultimate objective of a woman’s life was to only get married. So irrespective of whether she studied or not, it didn’t make any difference.

But women today are more independent. Their careers are as important to them as yours is to you! That’s one of the reasons why the concept of “Paternity Leave” was introduced.  

6.       They love watching daily soaps:
That’s purely an individual’s choice. Not everyone loves melodrama!

7.       No=Yes

Not everything you watch in hindi movies is true.
My No=No and Yes=Yes. Trying to mingle the two is like inviting the wrath of angry woman!
Don’t believe me?? Try it once ;-)

8.       They love cleaning “your” mess:
We don’t love cleaning “our” mess, why will “yours” be appealing? Just because you see “Parwati” and “Tulsi” selflessly cleaning up the cluttered bed (thanks to their husbands) every single day of their lives, doesn’t make us obliged to.
I ll do it twice, I ll do it thrice. But the next time, “Sawaari apne samaan k liye khud zimmedaar hai”.

Get it?

:-) The post is meant to be taken with a pinch of salt, and not at heart. It is important to let go of all the biases and misconceptions we hold against each other especially while we are “Bride” or “Bridegroom” hunting.

Hoping that all my male readers understood today’s women a little more and that women happily nodded their head in agreement, I am signing off on a sleepy note ;-)

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