Love marriage ya Arrange marriage???

As I have already entered the “Ladki jawan ho gae hai” phase where all of a sudden, the entire world seems to have started worrying not about global warming or rising prices, but my “Marriage” writing about “Love marriage ya Arranged marriage” was the next most obvious thing for me!!! :)

Be it Love or Arranged, marriage is no different for both. 2 people bond, 2 families bond and then a big fat wedding happens! Whether to go for Love marriage or to go for Arranged marriage is just a prevalent question in the minds of people who are either not satisfied in their own life or are scared with the thought of having to spend their entire life with someone not known.

But I am not here to judge as to which one is better, which is not. I believe, that both these kind of marriages have a unique flavor.

Arranged marriage is like an adventurous trip. You two don’t know each other. Yet, decide to spend the entire life with each other. Isn’t that daring?

The whole process of knowing getting to know each other, pleasing each other and eventually falling in love… aaahhhh… how exciting it must be! Isn’t it? And those silent pranks and coffee dates, act as a perfect icing on the cake!

My very good friend Yusra got married 6 months back and it was an Arranged Marriage. Today when I talk to her, she can’t but help saying how much enjoyable this roller costar ride is!

Coming to Love marriage, its essence is the fact that 2 people are already in love and have decided to spend their entire life with each other. The confidence, trust, and openness that they share, is something worthwhile.

Many of my friends have taken a plunge into this one and trust me, they are probably the happiest couples on earth. I am in total awe!!! Every time I look at them, “I wish…” is all that I say (and pray) to myself ;)

There are a lot of discussion forums I stumbled upon, and I was astonished by the “Extreme” opinions people carry about this.

If the proximity and understanding is low in any of these kinds of marriages, then no matter what you do, it will end gradually. So the success of a marriage does not depend on marriage “type”, but strongly depends on “partners” and their “willingness” to make it work.

Isn't it?
